Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Summer Time

Oh, how I wish I was there..(pic above)

This summer has flown on by, practically this year has. I can't believe it's August already..
This was an interesting summer to say the least. I dont think we have gotten more rain than any other time this year than over the summer. Normally we go into a drought in the summer months but we have had flooding and heavy rainfall all summer long. Its still very cloudy and muggy outside right now. I just hope this lapse in weather wont affect my fall and winter! We didnt really do anything exciting this summer, we wanted to go to the beach but that didnt happen, so we are planning on taking a trip to Callaway Gardens and the Zoo sometime soon! I can't wait either! Ha im like a kid, I know. I want to start blogging on here more often and plan on it. I think that will be my new goal and I am very excited about it! I hope everyone had a great summer and finish it off good! Can't believe school starts back already...(even though im not in school hah!)
Have a blessed day and rest of Summer guys!

Much much love,


Thursday, September 27, 2012

How to stay positive in a life full of negatives

I think that in today's society its so easy to get caught up in the negatives of everything, from the media to whats going on in other countries, to your job, relationship, and so on.. I can humbly say that there are definately times when I feel overwelmed or upset or like nothing is going right. Because we are human, and no matter how much we try to tell ourselves we are happy, or things dont matter to us.. they do! I have come to a place in my life where I know how to combat those feelings, or doubts, or whatever may be bringing me down and here are MY tips...

  1. Refuse to let anyone/anything steal your JOY! A lady I used to work with was so full of wisdom and happiness and her go to line was, " Ain't nobody taking my joy from me!" How powerful is that? We have to chose deep within ourselves if we are going to let someone take away our happiness. And we must refuse! Just think about it... If someone is doing something to you, or saying something about you, or whatever it may be, they are not worth giving away our precious smiles, or joy. If this person, or situation really mattered and cared for us then they would want to enhance our happiness or bring us more! Not take it away! So chose NO when someone tries to spray their negative juices on you stay far away!
  2. Cherish the things in life that really matter, count our blessings! Its so easy to get caught up in life that we forget what really matters. Or in more serious circumstances, we dont realize what we had until its gone. I am blessed to have a wonderful family and even more wonderful husband, we have a roof over our head, cars to drive,food to eat and clothes to wear. So what if I dont have the most up to date phone, or designer clothes, or shiniest jewlery. Can that feed me? no.. Can that keep rain off my head? no, not really. Will I be able to have that when I die one day and play angry birds in my grave? nope, i dont think so... So with that said lets not get our wants mixed up with our needs, and stop wanting what everyone else has and cherish the things we do have. Remember this, there will always be someone better off than you, and theres always someone less fortunate than you!
  3. Botta Boom Botta Bing Aint nothing but a thing! That's one of my go to sayings. I feel like a lot of people let the tiniest things effect them. An ex.. my husband is quite clumsy.. aka he breaks things often, spills things, trips, etc.. Its kinda funny to me, but he gets so upet when he does it. The other day he poured himself some milk and somehow managed to nock it over, he got so mad! Talking under his breath, fussing, stomping around..  His reasoning was he was running late for work. So I told him think of how much time you save by just cleaning it up instead of getting all upset, then trying to clean it up? hmmm..
  4. Pull the weeds out of our life garden. I keep a list with me of things I want to fix about myself or things i feel like are my short comings (weeds), and a list of things that i like (flowers). We need to starve and pull the weeds of our bads and water our goods! One of my downfalls is comparing myself to others or celeb magazines, I feel sometimes how Im not cool enough or beautiful enough because of the magazines I would read that said otherwise. So to help fix my comparing myself I stopped looking at those magazines. See we must not water the weeds!
  5. And lastly decide every morning whether today will be a good day or bad day. Dont let the days happenings decide that for you. Chose to make today the best it can be. Be like a bouncey ball. when something bad happens or something nerve wracking bounce back! Find your inner joy again, whatever it may be. Mine is with the Lord. He is my joy and my strength, and I bounce back every negative or bad mood, with psalms 118:24 "This is the day the Lord has MADE i will rejoice and be glad in it". I heard this wonderful quote from Barbara McMorrow that says " I try to end each day saying, I am glad I did, rather than, I wish I had."
I hope this helps someone and allows them to cherish the simple things in life that really matter and not get caught up in all the negatives going around. I am in no way a professional or mentor, these are just the tips that I use everyday I am feeling down or not happy. I hope this will reach someone and make there day just a little bit better! Much Love!

Autumn is here!

I don't know about you, but fall has to be one of my favorite times of the year! I love watching the leaves turn red and orange and feeling the breeze of the cooler weather coming. We had such a hot muggy summer and it's just so nice to be able to have cooler weather to look forward to. (also the fact that christmas in right behind it... ) I recently got two new candles from a small gift shop that smell devine! They are soy candles, which I have never had before, and the scent is orange cinnamon spice!! mmmm I am holding off the burn them til it really gets cooler out. My husband just thinks im silly, but this is a very serious matter to me! It just makes fall all the more better!  I am too excited already just thinking about them! I will post some pictures of them when I do burn them! Let me know what your favorite thing about fall is below.. or if you dont like fall, what is your favorite season and why?
Have an awesome possum day!!!!
(ps, i know its technically opossum but that didnt rhyme ha!)